Randall Munson Presents
Humor File
Excerpts from Randall's Personal Humor File

Maintaining a personal Humor File is an excellent way to help you remain alert to humor and help you deal with stress. Collect things you find funny and put them in your Humor File. When you are getting stressed, pull out your Humor File and look back at the fun stuff you've collected. You'll find it very helpful.

Here, for your enjoyment, are some things from my personal Humor File. Please feel free to share this 'fun stuff' with others. Especially with those you work with!

SPECIAL OFFER: If you have some fun stuff you'd like others to enjoy, please send it to Randall. A free autographed copy of the book Break-Out Creativity will be given to the best contribution to the Humor File each year. Contributions must be non-copyrighted material.

If you liked these, you'll love The Serious Business of HUMOR! You will experience the magic of laughter.

Contact Randall now for further details of his highly original programs, to request a promotional kit, or to book Randall Munson for your most important events.